
Hanna Goldmann

Searching for a flat
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Then we spent three days looking for a flat. We went to all the political parties. He even went ? he said: "I'll be going to the..." What are the Russians called? He said: "I'll also be going to the communist party, because I worked with the communist party in Vienna. I worked with ? I don't remember what he was called ? Honner." The leader of the party was called Honner. Then I said: "No, don't go there." He replied: "Do you think they have knives between their teeth?" So we did go there. "No, they can't help us. There are no flats in Innsbruck." At the last moment I saw - South Tyrolean people's party. There was a certain Dr. Deflorian there. I still often pray for him. He arranged for us to get into the camp in Hall. We lived at my aunt's in Hall. But we couldn't sleep at her place because her sons had come back from the war and they needed the space. We borrowed a wheelbarrow and walked to Hall by foot. From there we pushed the cart up the steep path to Eichat. I had two kilos of potatoes. At first Herbert played in a band for a while ? he was also a musician. He earned a little bit there. The first thing he bought was a small cooker. They assigned us a room. The camp manager said: "There, this room is free." It was very small and faced north. "In the barracks next door you can find bedsteads and straw sacks, which you can fill - the straw sacks, and take one or two bedsteads." So we got the bedsteads and filled two straw sacks, cooked some potatoes on the cooker and ate supper. The next day we were already registered in the camp and got some clear soup from the camp kitchen. - -